
The essence of franchising is the transfer of thebusiness model franchiser's to each subsequent enterprise that becomes a partner. Or, to put it simply, full copying of all working conditions. How to do this, working on the franchise CitySites, we will tell in this material.

So, you have become a partner of the franchising network of urban sites CitySites. After signing the contract, you get a personal curator (who will advise on all business issues), a package of educational materials, access to the online university and the information resource itself (city site and mobile applications).

In order to get started, you need to staff and organize the work of the office.


The staff of the city’s website can be divided into 2 groups:

  • those who generate content (edited);
  • those who generate profits (sales managers).

SalesThe sales


departmentdepartment is engaged in search and attraction of advertisers. The site makes a profit by placing ads, Therefore, the manager should carefully consider the selection of sales managers.

The sales manager not only attracts customers to cooperate, but also accompanies them throughout the entire period of work - controls the timeliness of payments, advertising, etc. The

recommended number of sales staff depends on the number of population and potential advertisers (enterprises, organizations) in each specific city. So, for a small city it can be from 3-5 people, and for a million people - from 15 sales managers.

All the functional responsibilities of sales managers are set out in detail in the Book of CitySites - the full guide that each of our partners receives. It also describes step by step how to start working with a client, how to work with objections, various sales techniques, communication etiquette and much more. As for the training of new employees, it is fully carried out in the CitySites online university and requires minimal attendance by the manager or separation from the workflow of other managers.

CitySites also recommends that its partners implement an already tested and effective system of motivating managers and evaluating their KPIs.



The main content on the site of the city is relevant and interesting news. They provide an influx of people to the site and, consequently, an increase in profits from advertising. Of course, to attractto our team highly qualified journalists is not an easy task. Professionalism and the number of editorial staff primarily depend on the size of the city. But even a small town website needs to have 2-3 journalists in a team. And for one million people in the state, it is desirable to have another videographer.

CitySites has developed a training system for the editorial department at our online university. In addition, it contains a number of useful materials on how to write news is unbanal and interesting, approximate topics of news feeds, what to write about if, at first glance, nothing happens, as well as the peculiarities of their presentation in large cities and cities with a small population .

For franchisees who have no experience in journalism, we have developed an additional service - news feed editor.

The sales department and the editors are the minimum required staff to launch the site. If the financial capabilities of the partner allow theteam to be staffed with SMM and SEO specialists or additional employees at the discretion of the manager, then the franchisor places no restrictions. It is important that the site makes a profit and allows the franchisee to pay royalties on time.

Also, all of these services are available by default in franchises Standart and Premium.

We usually recommend our partners to adhere to the classical work system - an 8-hour working day, 5 days a week. But, of course, in each case, the last word in the organization of the workflow remains with the manager.

Watch a video of how one of the web sites works from the inside:



In the corporate book that each franchise buyer receives, recommendations are given on how to organize the office. In addition, under the terms of the contract, the franchisor provides all the necessary materials for branding the working premises. It should be noted that the launch of a city site without an office is impossible - the project will not be able to progressively and dynamically develop and will not become commercially successful.

zLvocyh3n9an3W0tB7EbiFO5JwU32Xax.pngIf the franchisee complies with all the recommendations of the franchisor, then to organize the work of the site of the city as soon as possible is not difficult. We support our partners from the beginning of training and throughout the entire period of cooperation. We constantly update our knowledge base and improve the technical aspects of our work. Effective training and support partners - the advantage of the franchise CitySites!