after In the failed 2014, the advertising market in 2015 showed growth. However, not everywhere. Today we will introduce you to the main trends 2016th.

Our the team analyzed the situation in the media advertising market and came to conclusion: Offline media as a platform for advertising is losing its attractiveness and gradually dies or moves to online.

in In 2015, print media showed a 21% drop. Moreover magazines, unlike newspapers, remain more attractive. There a reduction in advertising was recorded at 18%. In complex situations in 2016 were not only the print media, but also television and outdoor advertising. On TV, hit the law on prohibition of advertising on paid channels; performance of GOST, which entered into force from the beginning of March of this year.

in In general, in 2016, most of the expenses will come from digital advertising. It will continue to grow constantly, and according to experts will be 27% of the entire advertising market. In 2017, an increase in this is forecasted. indicator up to 29.3%. Growth will be driven by mobile advertising costs of 30.1%, online video advertising 31.2% and advertising on social networks 25.2%. Same according to a study in 2017, advertising on the Internet will bypass TV by indicators of expenses. Earlier, analysts held the position that this would happen only by 2018.

All these indicators are associated not only with the fact that the cost of offline advertising still remains quite high. The fact is that Internet advertising is becoming more attractive and effective. She constantly evolving, new targeted channels appear for attracting a quality and inexpensive audience.

By expert opinion, the largest increase in financial investment in Online advertising is expected in the direction of mobile 92% in 2016-2018. Television and the Internet will give a total of 19% of the new money. While outdoor advertising, radio and movie theaters together will yield only 7%.


not despite the fact that in 2015 - 2016, the global economy is faced with global difficulties, which should lead to a decline in the advertising market, it didn’t affect the persistence of advertisers. Forecasts show the positive dynamics of the online advertising segment and these indicators will only grow, while the dynamics of development offline advertising is poor.