
Today we would like to share with you another innovation that we recently managed to introduce and test in CitySites. This is a program for training new partners and raising the level of skills of existing partners. Due to the dynamics of work and the amount of information studied during its passage, the program was named "Intensive".

This is an adaptive two-day training course, the program of which is arranged for each visiting partner individually. Based on the existing experience, knowledge, resources and wishes, the program conveys not a standard set of information and skills, but eliminates exactly the gaps that are needed or gives additional information on the issues that the partner needs to solve. This continuous training for several days, during which we try to form a core of practically fixed knowledge with a partner, around which experience will accumulate, show the work of our business model from the inside, let us see and feel it.

The need for this program appeared when we began to realize that even despite the fact that the CitySites online learning system is built at a sufficiently high level, the amount of textual material and corporate books that we wrote, putting all our experience in them (books and instructions are being developed steadily every two months), this is not enough for a global understanding of working with a city site project. It is quite difficult for partners to remotely form a complete understanding of how the whole organism works, there is no clear picture, having seen that, it can build its own work processes by copying a scalable business model.

Now briefly about the program as a process. At the initial stage, we conduct telephone interviews with partners, then a survey, program planning and discussion with a partner. The very same two-day program, which includes theoretical time-writing, with time-by-minute regulations, practical exercises, answers to questions, tests, presence in the working branch of the company, communication with the best managers, managers, editors, journalists, visits to meetings with clients and shooting reporting, listening to calls and the most successful cases. Naturally, all this time, the program supervisor constantly monitors the process of passing the program, makes adjustments online, and coordinates. The program ends with a debriefing, answers to questions, questionnaires with reviews, discussion of corrections in the work of a partner, and of course the subsequent monitoring of their implementation.

The course is absolutely FREE. All that needs to be done is to agree on the time of arrival for its passage. This program will be useful both for new partners who are just trying to get into the essence of the matter, as well as for those who already have experience with our franchise model.

Naturally, the program is not only dynamic, it is really full of knowledge and experience, but it is as difficult as it is useful. We do not give incomprehensible new terms and unnecessary complicated wording, we repeat that we adapt it individually. Before a partner comes to us, we are morally preparing him for the next two days, he will have to work non-stop. In developing the program, we set out to immerse our franchisees into the internal climate of the company, so that their work with their own project was simple and understandable, and in a short time we could give them maximum useful information for productive work.

In the following articles we will describe specific examples of the passage of this program with the feedback from partners and photos, so that our readers can also feel the atmosphere of constructive, productive and dynamic "Intensive".
