in at the end of summer, the offices of many companies resemble frames from gloomy motion picture: employees returning from vacation with a lost look trying to understand what is happening around and what to do with all this!

Probably everyone knows the state when it’s hard to get into the working rhythm after have a nice rest. We have put together a couple of tips for you on how to tune in. productive work and increase your productivity. These universal recommendations will be useful after the summer holidays, and during the time of autumn blues, and if there is simply not enough internal motivation for work.

“Great plan! ...”


write the entire to-do list is a day, a week, or a month. AND try to strictly monitor its implementation. Properly built day helps to be in time more, and deleting points which are already made, brings satisfaction and motivates.

Planning Helps to tune in to effective work and saves time. Everything business trainers rightfully pay tribute to a good schedule and recommend it as a self-organization.

Frogs for Breakfast


not too pleasant things (the so-called “frogs”) many love put off until the last moment. But this strategy is fundamentally wrong: if you do the most difficult and hateful tasks in the morning, then you will not think about them all day.

very often productivity decreases in the evening, and all these errands seem even more impossible. They accumulate and can become big problem. Therefore, we recommend that you deal with “frogs” with in the morning.

Less background information


not it’s worth checking every hour if your Instagram vacation photo is like and whether you received a new letter in the mail. Only deal with the current document, close all extraneous tabs and screens. Do not be distructed for news, only respond to the most important messages in the corporate chatting.

only after you complete the task, take a few minutes to take a break or discuss plans with colleagues.

Take notes


always Keep small reminder leaves and a pen on your desktop. Highly often ideas come spontaneously and at different times. It doesn't matter when and where a clever idea has overtaken you, fix it right away - perhaps this puzzle was missing in the mosaic of your thoughts.

A it may be that this is the birth of something completely new and interesting. Keep all your ideas in sync with your phone or notepad.

Stay in silence


If you need to urgently finish an important project or come up with non-standard solution to the problem, try to turn off at least an hour telephone, internet and minimize all potential distractions factors.

If it's possible, try to arrange yourself an hour of silence every day at the same time and see how your performance thanks to this technique.

Praise yourself for even small achievements


Mark small intermediate victories on the way to the goal. Especially if you time-stretched project. Thank yourself for completing one of the stages - this will increase the motivation for working on it in the future and improve your mood.

Get enough sleep


Good physical well-being is no less important for productivity than morale. Try to go to bed an hour earlier, sleep well ventilated area, exercise - and your body will definitely say “thank you”!

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Read also on our blog: Improving motivation - useful techniques for achieving goals