
Production and achieving goals is a key part of strategic planning and company management. Work with goals is one of the principles of the classic management that does not lose its relevance in our days, in the era mass development of online business.

What are business goals for?

Company without goals they are often compared to a ship without a course. In a simplified version the way it is. A company is, first of all, a team of employees, but also a separate system, a business unit. Every system has a reason. occurrence and existence. For a company, this is its mission. She implemented by achieving goals that set on different time intervals.


Everyone the owner represents at least in his head what he wants see your business in the future and what needs to be done. If a fix your vision on paper, concretize it on purpose and split into time periods, it will become easier to convey the philosophy and plans business development for all employees. Understanding the team, why the company seeks - the key to motivation and involvement of people in the process achieve goals.

Important moment in goal setting (goal setting) - a breakdown of global goals to smaller tasks, the implementation of which can be controlled. Global goals are determined for 5-10 years, medium-term - for 1-3 years, short-term - for quarters. Intermediate tasks help employees understand their responsibility in a common cause, the role of everyone in development company.

How to set smart goals correctly?

exist different working techniques, how to set goals both personal and corporate nature. Some are aimed at self-development of a person, others - on the motivation of a person within the team.


We Let’s focus on the SMART methodology (“smart” goals), proposed by Peter Drucker, an outstanding management theorist last century. This technique is actively used in modern management, its principles are taught in business schools.


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  1. Purpose must be specific. That is, uniquely defined, Be clear and carry a clear mission. What result do you need to reach? For how long? Uncertainty, Blur wording is not allowed.
  2. Purpose must be measurable. Be evaluated using indicators. This applies to both the strategic goal and the intermediate tasks. Only provided that the result can be measured quantitatively, goals will have a stimulating function.
  3. Purpose should be achievable (achievable, attainable). Adequate topics resources that are available to performers. When setting goals it is worth considering the existing limitations on resources, time, opportunities, leverage. Requirement from employees of the impossible will lead to their demotivation.
  4. Purpose must be realistic (realistic, relevant). Relevant and relevant for the development of the company. It’s important to understand the benefits that implementation will bring. given goal, will it not contradict the mission of the company.
  5. Purpose should be time limited (timely, time-bound). Have the allotted period for the task. Timing plays a key role in goal setting, as it allows you to control and track achievement of results.


Tips from the best

  • in the book "Number 1. How to become the best in what you do" Igor Mann indicates that a good goal is always moderately ambitious, and is also before your eyes (like a screensaver on the screen of a smartphone or tablet, in the form glued sticker on the desktop).
  • Yitzhak Pintosevich in the book “Set Goals!” Recommends any planning start with setting goals, and then study the experience of those who have already achieved similar results, and only after that proceed to the compilation plan.
  • Author "Be the best version of yourself" Dan Waldschmidt writes about the need use the maximum of your efforts, only then does a person manifest "Overcompensation", which helps to achieve the goal.


When working with goals, remember the words of Henry Ford: “Even great goals can be to achieve if you take enough small steps. " Set goals in companies so that they serve as motivation for employees and stimulated them to develop both themselves and the company as a whole.

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