
Who such a procrastinator? In short, a person stably postponing important or unpleasant things for later. For various reasons, he can’t force yourself to perform the necessary or desired actions. Procrastination, respectively, is a tendency to constant postponement of tasks, duties. The term came to us from Latin language (from lat. pro - for, for the sake of, crastinus - tomorrow).


Source: book "Win the procrastination! How to stop putting things off for tomorrow, ”by Peter Ludwig.

in business delaying tasks is a common occurrence both among superiors and subordinates. Happens so because of many factors. How can a leader recognize a procrastinator in time? After all, procrastination is a sign of ineffective management - early or late negatively affect the results of the department and company as a whole. Timely identified problem - the first stage on the way fight with her.

To determine that a person suffers from procrastination is not difficult. FROM procrastination is also easy to cope with if you recognize its causes occurrence and admit to yourself that the problem exists. we identified 7 main factors explaining why the leader became procrastinator.


1. Lots of unfinished business

Tasks set and started, but not brought to an end, lie down psychological burden on the shoulders of the manager. They create a sense of anxiety congestion and prevent to pay due attention to new projects.

Write all old, unsolvable long time tasks, find out which ones relevant, cross off the rest. For the remaining tasks, put real terms, then - monitor the progress of their implementation. Don't let the formation of “tails” in the future.


2. Inability to delegate

If the leader is not able to delegate tasks to his subordinates and trying to do everything on their own, a situation arises when the team is underloaded with work, and the boss, on the contrary, stops cope with a large volume of affairs, and as a result, a list unfulfilled plans is growing.

try delegate (redirect) to the team implementation to the maximum set goals. Break volumetric tasks into smaller ones, set priorities, assign deadlines, reserve the right periodic control.

3. Fear of Past Failures

Procrastinate for fear of repeating the failures that have occurred in the past. Conscious or not, but the person does not begin to act, as the current the situation is associated with when the failure occurred.

Analyze past failures and their associations with them to overcome fears. It will help to cope with uncertainty by presenting those bonuses that will bring accomplishment of the current task.


4. Perfectionism

Desire the leader to do everything perfectly and a similar requirement from subordinates often accompany procrastination. Find all new flaws to get hung up on trifles, to make excessive claims - signs destructive perfectionism, due to which the terms are significantly shifted implementation of projects.

Remember that achieving the perfect business result is often easy impossible, and in some cases contraindicated. Optimal the result (when comparing with the spent resources) is the best result.


5. Weak subordinates

Leader forced to take on more work since his subordinates not competent enough or simply lazy. Desire to keep good relationships and look in the eyes of the team as a good boss - not a reason to keep on staff non-conforming job requirements.

fire people, if they do not systematically cope with their duties, after all, managers are responsible for efficiency activities of departments and the company as a whole.

6. Chronic Fatigue

Lack energy, physical exhaustion, indifference to everything new - signs protracted fatigue, which is often inherent in procrastinator leaders. Such bosses are panicky afraid to leave their jobs, thinking that without them, the process will stop, and the company will crash.

Take a vacation and relax.


7. Lack of motivation

fight with causes of procrastination will have a short-term effect if the leader is not motivated - he has no understanding why he needs it necessary.

Design own system of goals in different areas of life (self-development, career, family, leisure). Encourage yourself on your journey towards a dream.

Start work with procrastination laid. The above tips will help get rid of the habit of constantly putting things off for tomorrow. This the process is not fast, requiring time and effort. The other extreme is the desire to always complete tasks on time and in perfection. how leader, find your management style and apply periodically procrastination when it is good for business.

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