
Any business is a very responsible business and requires good study before the beginning. Today on the Internet there are a lot of stores of goods and services, stores with intellectual products: trainings, seminars. It is believed that you can earn big money by working in The internet. And it’s not about the work of a freelancer who draws beautiful sites or writes programs for money. It's about your own business, aimed at making good money. Let's try to figure out which business is more efficient and reliable: online or offline.

Advantages and disadvantages of an online business

Most the main advantage of online business is the lack of need rent an office. This immediately reduces the financial burden on the founder business and saves money. The second plus is the opportunity work from anywhere in the world. Of course, if you do not have an online company, which requires work with post offices or other services. Agree, it’s very convenient to feel free and not attached to specific place. You can travel and work in parallel with using a simple laptop.


Online business also has a number of significant disadvantages compared to offline firms. First of all, this is earnings. Very few online companies were able to to make good progress. According to experts, on average, online a business is up to 10 times less profitable than a similar offline business. Besides In addition, you must constantly stay abreast of new technologies. the Internet and the rules of the game in it often change. For example, the principle of operation is changing. search queries. Another big minus - you can hardly sell online business, if you decide to change your occupation.

Advantages and disadvantages of offline business

U "Ordinary" offline business a large number of both advantages and cons. Of the advantages we can distinguish: the familiar model of entrepreneurship, higher earnings and the ability to sell a business at any time. Offline business also provides additional features that never will give online business. For example, you can always take a loan from a bank under pledge of property of the company. Sometimes this plays an important role in the development of a business.

of main disadvantages of offline business most noticeable financial component and restrictions on residence and work. To open any business, starting from a small kiosk or car wash, you need to invest a lot Finance in the room, equipment. A considerable part of finances is sometimes is obtaining a license for a particular type of activity. Having opened business is offline, you will be tied to a specific place and you will not be able to to work, being in another city or in another country.


Myths online business

very many myths and rumors are associated with opening and running a business in The internet. To be prepared as best as possible and not repeat frequent mistakes of other entrepreneurs, it is important not to listen to rumors, and be guided only by verified information from experienced businessmen.



oQ_PBIONCuPARtOHZyO9j4KdJ7BiR5zm.pngThe most common myths and rumors:

1. An online business is unique and unlike anything else. This is not true. Business in The internet is very similar to an offline business. Only tools differ business. For example, the online info business is very similar to ordinary publishers, print newspapers, magazines, and so on.

2. Everyone can work on the Internet, this is not a big deal. Seemed if you know how to use basic office applications and a browser - then you can start your own business on the Internet. This is a misconception. It is important to possess the personal qualities that are inherent in any an entrepreneur.

3. You can build an existing business on the Internet alone. Exactly this common misconception. For a business to generate income, you need site coders, authors for articles on the site, online consultants and other people. One man can never Perform the functions of all necessary employees. He just doesn’t have enough time. In addition, franchise networks that have an online business, win because the partner gets along with franchise accumulated franchisee experience and powerful support.

4. Earnings on the Internet is impossible, this is a hoax. Only think so losers who tried one or more times made a series mistakes or were simply deceived. On the Internet you can earn. AND online business can be the main source of income that does not require additional sources of finance.

5. You can build a business on the Internet without investment - of course, this also a myth. Let's say you have a computer. But that does not mean more nothing is needed to work. Remuneration for employees who like us have already figured out the necessary payment for renting a server for your site and other expenses are needed. Of course, if you want to do your business effective.


Which is better: online business or offline business?

in conclusion I want to say that the most successful business option is Interaction of offline and online tools. For example, you may have A terrific electronics store in the city center. But with an online store he will bring a lot more profit. Or, for example, you can open a nail extension studio. But the main activity: customer acquisition, advertising on the Internet. In doing so, take customers in an inexpensive but comfortable office.

Read also: "Procrastinator leader: how not to ruin a business?".