
We are sure that everyone who reads this article knows what TA - target audience is, but often we forget about important, vital things for business. Therefore, let’s recall a few basic characteristics of the target audience.

Determining the target audience

There are four criteria by which we can clearly identify our client / user:

  • Basic parameters
  1. Gender
  2. Age range
  3. Geographical affiliation

Women, from 25 to 35 years old, Winnipeg.

  • Interests: hobbies, other activities (to know where to "hunt")
  • Social status. Hence the solvency.
  • Identify the main TA problem in your segment.


An example of a successful definition of target audience

“Women aged 25 to 35 in Winnipeg who like to do yoga, love relaxation, meditation, esotericism, attend forums and seminars of spiritual development, subscribed to “yoga” pages on Instagram. The level of income is medium, high. They face the problem of comfortable clothing for yoga classes, meditations and spiritual practices.”

The marketing campaign and the company's profit depend on how clearly we define our client. Many business owners, knowing what TA is, are afraid to apply the above criteria to determine it, because they do not want to lose people from another segment. They mistakenly believe that they are losing money: it is much more profitable to limit the target audience correctly and get 20-30 clients from it, than to be sprayed into 2-3 groups, getting just 3-4 people from each segment.


“Hunting” a potential client

If you can’t determine the target audience on your own or its segmentation is wide enough, then there are methods that will help determine it in the field conditions.

Landing method

  • The seller or manufacturer of goods or services creates a promotional page - landing page to more accurately determine who to target in sales.
  • Then we launch advertising of landing through all possible advertising channels “cost per click”, where you pay only for a click on advertising, setting up a fairly wide target (taking into account the peculiarities of your product). It is set for a period of 7-10 days to collect as much statistical data as possible, where the timer and feedback form will be present. All who clicked are in the list of target audience. Next, we look who left their contacts for a pre-order or final purchase. And also, who participated in other click-actions (we used different channels of advertising). Who filled out the form - that is TA. The form can be from the basic criteria: gender, age, city, etc., which immediately draws the main portrait.
  • After that, you need to check whether everything worked correctly. We launch an advertising campaign under selected criteria with several communication channels aimed at purchasing. If the conversion has reached 2%, then you are on the right track, if 5%, then most likely it’s your target audience. And if 10%, then this is a direct hit on the bull's eye!


Where else to find your client?

  • Search engines. To make “fish” peck, you must properly throw the bait in a search engine. To do this, it is worth taking a responsible approach to optimizing the site, setting it up for the correct search queries and then target audience will find you.
  • Mailing lists. It is still one of the effective tools. Subscribe, for example, gives you good traffic.
  • Purchasing targeted traffic: buy advertising space on the site \ forum of related topics. This can be a banner or any other type of advertising.
  • Also make announcements in social networks. In general, most of target audience will come from social networks today. Therefore, it is a separate area for "hunting", which requires a separate approach. But it is still a great idea to create an announcement there with a transition to your resource!
  • Communicate with target audience on forums, websites, comment. No, it should not be one paragraph of text, standard for all. This is a live communication, personalized approach, where you can identify the problem and pain of the target audience. Find out more precisely what is troubling and how to deal with it. And only then such communication will give the result.