
Modern Internet marketing stands on five whales - SEO, SEA SEM SMM SMO Many of us see these abbreviations every day and clearly know the differences, values, pros, cons, and some - have no idea what it is and what it are eating. All these abbreviations are methods. company promotion. Start over and analyze it in more detail.

1. SEO - the first three letters of the phrase search engine optimization. In Russian: optimization for search engines. Even clearer - promotion in google, Yandex. I.e this is a set of actions aimed at site exit in the TOP of search results for specific key queries (key according to).

Like all who Develops an online business. Instruments SEO constantly improving and improving. And the site’s position is constantly changing, because there is constant competitive struggle for a "place in the sun" Google.


  • Long term SEO you can’t turn it off like an advertisement.
  • Resource only visits the Target Audience who is looking product / service for key requests.
  • Not direct correlation “price” - “one visitor".
  • Output in TOP you can unlimited keywords.
  • Invokes more user loyalty.


  • That same long-term: no instant effect.
  • Necessary set aside a budget.
  • Search systems often change algorithms ranking. One must always be on the alert.

bXx_xqxmUPi7iOEa6EjzDVvIu8yDIsf-.png2. SEA - here we have the usual contextual advertising (abbreviation for search engine advertising). About contextual advertising we have a separate block of articles. therefore we will not go into details here.

If compare the first method and the second then they are even visually different. Yes, contextual advertising looks like "Innocent" search results, but user can still distinguish advertising from organic promotion.


  • Instant recoil
  • Advertising The ad has a fixed position.
  • Can constantly make changes, adjust advertising campaign.


  • Advertising works while money is being paid for it.
  • Can high cost for cry.
  • Behind every additional request is necessary pay extra money.
  • Advertising causes less user trust
  • High competition for a place. Competitors may "interrupt" him \

Highly often the first two methods combine between themselves. Periodically allocating a budget on two instruments, and sometimes - in turn.

3. SEM - He’s also marketing search engines. This is a general concept, that is, the above combination of search engine promotion and contextual advertising - this is SEM.

what regarding the pros and cons, they are same as in the above methods, because search engine marketing is their common name.


4. SMM - a fairly popular abbreviation, from English social media marketing

Promotion in social networks. This is a trend. modern marketing, because business gradually turning into social media. Most often in this way business pages are promoted, not sites. SMM includes a number of tools such as: registration of a business profile, creation content plan and publication impact through influencers, advertising campaigns, communication with subscribers.


  • Boosts brand recognition, loyalty buyers.
  • Constant fast communication with the audience.
  • Can start with a small budget.
  • At interesting content - quick Spread of information.


  • Necessary get involved 24/7
  • IN some areas advance through social the network is quite complicated
  • Long awaited result

5. SMO - corporate resource optimization under social networks. Such a concentrate tools aimed at attracting site users through social network. This method improves both the site and social networks.

This the method combines the pros and cons of the above methods.