it so happened that after the "dashing 90s" people
trust each other little, especially if
this applies to business and partnerships. Not
I bet 15-20 years ago, the CIS countries lived
in short supply and everyone survived as best he could.
However, today the situation is changing and we
learning to trust each other, learning
work for the benefit of others, learn to lead
business in partnership. Times change
and modern partnerships are more like
on the commandments from the Bible, because it’s “Not
kill! "," Do not steal! "" Do not
wish your neighbor's house; do not wish
thy neighbor’s wife, neither his servant nor
his servants, neither his ox nor his ass,
nothing that thy neighbor has
basis for successful cooperation.
Consider more detailed work recommendations with partners.
- not think of the end at the very beginning. Many “Partners” immediately think: “And then how do we we will share the business ... ". Before to share, it still needs to be created, and in order to you need to create a damn try so that later you don’t have to share at all. Most articles write about how correctly draw up a contract that fix etc. But the main thing is another! Our task is to think about the future. business, not about whether it works well partner who injects more to whom get more. If we want to do profitable and stable business then you need to think about how not to get into 2/3 of the part businesses that close in the first year. Perhaps this is the whole snag? Everyone cares about their momentary benefit rather than pore over the future of the common business.
Choose a person with the same values as yours. If the purpose of the work is exclusively money then far entrepreneurship will not leave. Something more is needed. General vision, strategies, goal setting etc. Partners must think alike because it happens that someone wants conquer the world and compete with Google, and to the second - “if only the veranda to complete ... ". Such a partnership quickly will fall apart, because the scale of thought different.
Analyze only myself. In 99% of cases, one of partners the thought arises: “I do more than him! ” Chases her away. More often partners have different responsibilities and do not compare them. Trust! Trust is one of the most important aspects of building relationships. Without him neither in business nor marriage. If you you will constantly doubt your partner then why do we need it ... Compare your achievements only with your past achievements. Result - indicator of true intentions. Remember about this and do not bully a partner.
- Discuss. Everything is always. Arrange “ashore” talk about everything without screaming, reproaching and tantrums. Situations in life are different and sometimes the best way out is simply speak the conflict (by the way, 90% conflicts and arises precisely because silence). Do not accumulate anger, for little concealed anger may flare up all-consuming fire and "gobble up company ”at one point.
- Share responsibilities. Everyone has strengths side: someone is better with customers communicates, and someone sees a strategy development. These are different areas, you can’t cover all one. Therefore in advance agree who is responsible for what and do not go into the sphere of influence of the partner. Even if it seems to you that you will do a hundred times better. Do not meddle! The trust. See point three.
- Analyze only myself. In 99% of cases, one of partners the thought arises: “I do more than him! ” Chases her away. More often partners have different responsibilities and do not compare them. Trust! Trust is one of the most important aspects of building relationships. Without him neither in business nor marriage. If you you will constantly doubt your partner then why do we need it ... Compare your achievements only with your past achievements. Result - indicator of true intentions. Remember about this and do not bully a partner.
- Support each other. Yes, in words. Yes, provide help. Yes, sometimes make concessions, let go of each other’s family. Take care because sometimes partnership grows into entire dynasties and generations that lead a business together.
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