
Recently We discussed seasonal content. Or rather, autumn seasonal content, where each of us got a lot of useful ideas and topics. However, this is just one of the types of content that you can use to promote your company. Therefore, today's selection: types and subspecies of content.

what happens content?

We divide all content into nine main groups where each will have more subspecies. So, let's begin:

1.Selling content - everyone knows about it. And big part only about him and knows nothing more without embedding on your blog. Yes, this is one of important types of content, BUT they are fed up with one you will not. Best to selling content did not occupy more than 15% of everything content. Here we have:

  • Presentation articles: prices, descriptions, applications, video reviews etc.
  • Discounts, stocks
  • Motivational post: here you can "push" on emotions, when emotional happens purchase, as well as sorted by grains, when it comes to rational buying.

One and the same product can be sold emotionally, and rationally. For example, autumn capsule wardrobe. One can be shown through the beauty and stunning image and brand and another through fabric quality and super bargain price.

2. Content, which will help identify needs target audience. Do not miss this opportunity because it is a perspective. Nobody is interested in the same thing. New needs are new products.

  • Poll. It will help to engage and “warm” the audience.
  • Answers open questions. Relevant when the audience on the site \ blog is enough active.
  • Contests, where the customer himself describes the benefits product. For example, write why you you choose exactly “product X” and get gift / discount.


3.Remove objections through content.

  • Reviews buyers (true and true)
  • Opinions product experts. Authoritative publications.
  • Answers to common questions and reviews.
  • Lists on solutions to problems: TOPs, ratings and etc.
  • Guide on use. Especially for complex goods.
  • Expose myths about the product / service. This is very effective tool, especially if the reader found "his myth" and received worthy argument for him.
  • Answers questions from customers / subscribers. Here, of course, there will be more understand the techniques of working with negativity and elaboration of objections.
  • Description cases.

Cases - a very important and interesting moment for everyone. For the company - this is an opportunity reconsider your work and understand where to improve. For the reader - this is a good example of performance work, for the debater - an argument in the positive side.

4. Involving content Various games are featured here. and contests. There may be enough subspecies a lot, it all depends on imagination and desire.

  • Contests for prizes.
  • Entertaining articles.
  • Humorous TOPs
  • Funny rollers
  • Quests and etc.
  • Discussion "Hot" topic of your current subjects

5. Viral content Today everyone wants to be "Viral". To like articles, Cheryl, but truly high quality not everyone can do the content.

  • Article hit parade, recipe selection, collection better ... it’s important to write beautifully, interesting and competent. Things like that people bookmark and read later.
  • Prize for repost.
  • Tips that solve the actual problem.

6. Content, which builds a reputation for the brand.

  • Actual company or market news.
  • Communication with opinion leaders (about working with bloggers in the last article).
  • Personal publishing reports for example in gloss.
  • Personal stories and examples.

7. Expert content It’s important to show your Expertise in the field. Divide into subspecies we will not, because the format may be ooooo very diverse: from list to video. Research, experiments and another.

Use everything in moderation and with meaning and then your business will sparkle with new colors.

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