
Today we continue our block: "how to write for instagram." Each post has a specific purpose, we have identified this in the past material. But it should other components:

  1. Call to action. Once direct, once hidden, but there must be a call. Today, the audience is already advanced and immediately understands that the post "stupidly sells" and carries nothing more. Therefore, you need to abstract from the sale and benefit the subscriber. You can call for different actions:
    • Ask your audience for an important matter.
    • When telling stories, ask for sharing experiences.
    • Ask for action: transitions, likes, reposts.
  2. You need to make a good, powerful introduction. There are no headlines (as such) on Instagram, but it can be done using the first sentence. If it is about nothing, then people will not be interested in reading the text.
  3. Any text can be reduced by 35% even "without looking." For a post on Instagram, this is very important, there is no need to type extra characters for promotion, etc. It is necessary to correctly and concisely express your thoughts in a short post. What can be removed? Repetitions, participles, garbage, meaningless sentences, etc. In this case, the text will become 100% more attractive.
  4. Engage imaginative thinking. To be a good writer, you need to be a bit of an actor. When you don’t know where to start, then ask yourself: “What would I do in my place ...?” A person who is an authority for you. The main thing is to start moving from a dead point, they will move.
  5. Use your past. Storytelling is also relevant here. When you have already determined the purpose of your publication, for example, the purchase of an annual subscription to the hall, rather than their monthly sale, you have identified the main association for this purpose. Here is the actual "savings". And then try to recall the stories of their own life, from the past, which will fit this association. Share with subscribers, they will be interested.
  6. Write interestingly, move away from standard structures. You can write from the end, lure you with interesting chips and don’t finish to the end in one post.
  7. INTERESTING RECEPTION. Write as you speak. The post has already been written. Take the rest of it. For real. Aloud. With an expression. If it’s not interesting somewhere, there wasn’t enough air or the language began to speak - to rewrite.
  8. Get involved! It is not simple. You need to learn to engage in any topic, igniting the audience. You can modestly understand several topics, or you can engage the audience in everything that interests you.


And the very last and necessary advice: no rules exist. The main thing to do, do and do it again. And then develop your character, your style, but for this you need to work hard and hard.

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