
Experts have noticed that audio advertising today shows incredible results: in 2019, the market should grow three times, and in 20-21 it will continue to rapidly gain momentum.

We have prepared information about the popularity of audio advertising and the facts that will make your video as effective as possible.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the audio format is gradually replacing visual content, because during a run or while driving you will not be able to watch, but to listen is very good. The homework environment also does not allow you to use the smartphone screen to the maximum, but wireless headphones are used wonderfully. Today, the user is ready and interested in listening to the content.

The most interesting thing is that business sharks and production agencies have long caught this trend and are using it successfully. In the USA and Europe, audio advertising has been working for a long time on the network: in podcasts, radio, streams, etc. I’ll tell you a secret, at specialized conferences they talk about the “voice first” century.

Some statistics

According to information from voice.com in the United States, this market grew to $ 2.3 billion in 2018. This is an increase of 23% (from 2017)! And in Britain, for example, more than 22 million people listen to digital audio ads every week. This is a huge increase of 40% from 2014.

As for Russia, here the growth is even more rapid: the audio advertising market tripled in 2018 and amounts to 465 million rubles. In 2019, it will increase three times more, and by 2022 it will exceed the volume of 6 billion.

Why do you trust the audio format so much?

  • Listeners are everywhere. This is a damn good increase in audience. So the usual radio will not be available in the metro or store, and online services are available everywhere.
  • Audience trust. The listener is usually loyal, in 85% of cases, he is ready to listen to advertising in exchange for free content. At this time, he is relaxed and calm, which means that advertising is better for him.
  • Well remembered. A study by the giant American radio company Pandora showed that the introduction of audio clips into personal playlists affects long-term memory by almost 50% better than radio or television advertising.
  • Save money. Audio advertising is much cheaper than video production. For the money that makes a video, you can run an entire audio campaign!

Audio spots

  • Podcasts. One of the coolest ways to influence a brand in Central Asia.
  • Streaming. Apple Music, VK Music, Zvooq, etc.
  • Internet radio. Still remain popular, so go for it.

Today, this format of advertising to us (mere mortals) seems strange and incomprehensible. It is being implemented by millions of corporations and well-known brands. Where do we go? But think it over! If the giants of the world saw the point in this, it means that at our level of a region or region, we can also take a unique opportunity and go through the VIP input, learning where and how to be effective.

In the next article, we will continue this topic and talk about how to create effective audio advertising.