
In the last part we examined the topic of device security. And today we’ll talk about what rules to follow in order not to face the dirt and keep the company secret.

At CitySites, there are about 1,400 employees, and of course, in order to avoid information leaks, the company monitors corporate secrets and conducts a number of different HR events. If you have your own business or would like to launch it, the information will be useful to you, so as in this article we will share our experience with you.

1. Work with corporate mail:


After hiring an employee for work, work mail is mandatory for him to conduct internal correspondence and / or work with clients. In order to avoid funny situations and serious consequences, the following information should be immediately brought to the awareness of employees:

Use mailbox only for work tasks

This installation sounds pretty logical, but it will not be superfluous to once again recall that if you use corporate mail to subscribe to entertainment resources or chat with friends, the probability of an attack by attackers increases, the efficiency decreases, and the box is clogged with tons of spam.

Never open questionable links

Another obvious piece of advice, but so many people have already burnt out on it that its relevance is beyond doubt. In no case should you open doubtful letters, much less open attachments or links that may be present in the body of the letter. Yes, even if this is a cute cat video :)

Don’t transfer customer data

Any, even a small company has a customer base. And transferring data to third parties without the consent of the client is a huge mistake. You will lose not only the buyer and finances, but also strike a blow to the image of the company. It’s also illegal.

Change passwords

To protect company data and prevent hacking mail, you should change the passwords of corporate accounts at least once a month. This is also the standard procedure for dismissing an employee. If he had access to mail, the admin panel of the site, etc. passwords change without fail. For example, Apple employees offer tens of thousands of dollars for access to company corporate mail.

2. Social Behavior:


A separate topic can be devoted to this point, but we will try to be brief. Everyone has an account on social networks today, and as much as we would not like, they are no longer just entertainment. HR managers without fail “google” probable employees and browse profiles on social networks, competitors and hackers do the same. Make your account work not against you, but on you.

Company employee - brand face

Company employees are just as important as customers, they are the face of the brand and its promotion depends on their actions. In any case, a working (corporate) account cannot be used for personal purposes, if you suddenly decided to participate in a polemic, then remember that you represent not only yourself, but the company's position on this issue. This also applies to working with comments - one word spoken is hot, it may cost a big company headache. And photos from a drunken brawl on a corporate party - undermine the trust of customers.

Photos and videos

An employee posted a selfie, but in the background were private corporate data. After the leak is noticed and fixed, someone can already use it. Before publishing material, you should always double-check the material for the presence of such nuances, so that, for example, not to merge all passwords.

Be offline when you are online

You tell the client that you are busy and that he needs to wait, but at the same time do reposts, like photos of friends and just kill time.


3. Intellectual Property:


First of all, check the uniqueness of the published material, if you or your employees use non-unique content - this can turn into problems. In the basement of each site there is information about the conditions of use of the editorial material, carefully read and avoid errors when quoting. Use photo stocks to search for images, and even better, draw on your own. If this’s not possible, check out this Google manual .


At CitySites , we constantly monitor that every employee from the first days of work had an idea of how to properly use the company's resources. Even with the reliable protection installed on your devices, you need to always be vigilant, not to make mistakes. Systematically conduct educational programs for employees. Explain the basic principles of working with email clients, working with content and rules of behavior on social networks. Keep your finger on the pulse of your company - this minimizes the risks of information leakage and makes your work safer.