
We We are constantly negotiating: in everyday life and at work. Be able to to negotiate is not a talent, but a symbiosis of knowledge, skills and experience.

Our team has prepared 10 simple tips, the application of which in practice will help everyone become a successful negotiator.

1. Get ready

Preliminary preparation is no less important than the negotiations themselves. First, define purpose of communication. It must be clearly formulated, it is specific the result or benefit of the negotiations if they are successfully completed.

Next is the stage of collecting and analyzing information. Exactly study:

  • future interlocutors;
  • the company that they represent;
  • products or services that will be discussed.

Pages on social networks are useful for compiling profiles of discussion participants.

2. Plan

in Depending on the purpose of communication, determine your position in the negotiations. Plan your time. Consider how long it takes to get to know which questions can be asked and how long will it take for them reply. Think over the course of negotiations, what to discuss for. Organize the information to be consistent.


If we are talking about several participants on the one hand, then make a reservation sequence of performances and the role of each. Teamwork will help to defend a position.

3. Get yourself

Neat appearance, suitable clothing style, the right attitude - affect first impression of the interlocutor. Bring people positive emotions and ease of communication - and they will remember such a person.

That's right “small talk” technique helps to win over when the main topic discussions are preceded by conversations on the so-called general topics - weather, family, news of the day, etc. This technique allows you to feel the mood meeting participants and start it with a positive note.

4. Build a dialogue

Remember that productive negotiations are a dialogue, not a monologue. Listening skills gives you the opportunity not only to speak to the interlocutor, but also to show it attitude, motives and fears. Build negotiations, taking into account the tasks the interlocutor.

in Do not lose feedback during the performance. Find out if everyone understandably. Be interested by asking clarifying questions.

5. Monitor negotiations

Stay tuned for the emotional background at the meeting. Do not let feelings or personal hostility ruin the negotiations.


Read the mood and behavior of the interlocutors. Application would be appropriate here. NLP techniques. Copy the rhythm and manner of conversation to create comfortable conditions for the meeting participants. Use gestures to determine whether the opponent is lying.

6. Follow the speech

Speak competently and politely, clearly and without haste. Express yourself simply, don't flush listeners with clever words. Pause to focus on important points.

comply ethical rules. Do not talk badly about your competitors or former employers. Do not show your advantages, humiliating others.

7. Be an expert

People trust when they hear reasoned sentences or answers to questions. Pay less attention to problems, and talk more about the possibilities of solving them. Give several scenarios to leave the interlocutor the right to choose.

8. Be flexible

Maneuver and respond quickly in the course of negotiations, do not allow the situation, so that they come to a standstill. Do not rigidly defend your position if in As a result, negotiations will end in nothing. Make a compromise. See on the situation, taking into account the prospects for further cooperation.

Discharge experience-based storytelling helps. A story told in time can save the negotiations.

9. Draw conclusions

Conclusions - This is also the result of negotiations. Optionally, if you speak them in end of the meeting so that all participants understand the outcome. They are like a springboard for further cooperation.


Required record or document how you went and how you ended conversation. Fix arrangements, important thoughts and suggestions.

10 . Grow

Process self-development and learning should take place on an ongoing basis. Remaining an expert is possible only in case of endless practice. Broaden your horizons and knowledge in related fields to be interesting interlocutor.

No universal rules for effective negotiation, as never happens identical negotiations. The above tips will help but apply they need to be based on their own experience and individual approach.

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