
What kind qualities distinguish a professional negotiator? First of all, this speech - what and how he says, what words he pronounces. Here at first the plan is parasite words - the so-called pause placeholders that don't carry semantic load. At the same time, they directly affect the impression that the interlocutor makes on us.

K the most common parasite words include: “like,” “here,” “Well,” “that is,” “in general,” “type,” etc. During oral and written negotiations with the client, such words take time, because they don’t add meaning to what is said or read.

K parasitic words often belong to new-fangled words and English-speaking terms. New-fashioned buzzwords (for example, “Tryndets”, “damn”) arose, to add ease to communication, but they began to be perceived as a sign of immaturity of a person. As for foreign words, their active use is explained by the desire to attract attention and create an image of an erudite interlocutor.


Why are we against parasitic words?

  1. Parasite words do not help to achieve the goal. For example, to convince a client or speak effectively in public.
  2. They testify to the uncertainty of the interlocutor or his unwillingness to bear responsibility for their words.
  3. excess parasite words begin to annoy and cut the ear. Consequently, leads to negative emotions towards whoever uses these the words.
  4. Superfluous words impede dialogue, interfere with speech to be clear.

Add liveliness, emotionality of negotiations is possible without parasitic words. TO for example, apply dialogue techniques - rhetorical appeal, incentive constructions, “we-forms”.


How to get rid of parasite words?

We offer 3 simple steps:

  • Discover your parasite words.
  • Perform an analysis and determine the reasons for their appearance.
  • Work on yourself to root them out.

Recorder words will help the recorder. Record your speech in voice recorder during negotiations or speeches, or retell under Voice recorder is the plot of your favorite movie or book. Tips from friends relatives at the expense of obsessive words will not be superfluous.


The next step is to understand why use certain parasite words. Reasons for the appearance of unnecessary words in a speech can be:

  • poor vocabulary;
  • excitement and haste during the conversation;
  • slow formation of thought.

One way to get rid of parasite words is to eliminate the cause of them occurrence. Read the works of word masters, classics of literature and replenish your vocabulary. To overcome the excitement, do pauses, take your time during the conversation.

Another method is to track the use of parasitic words, as in professional as well as everyday life. For example, within 21 days (according to experts, a new habit is forming during this period) constantly control your speech, suppress the appearance of unnecessary words, when you think what to say or write.


Instead of a conclusion: brief tips on how to speak correctly

  • Eliminate parasite words from speech.
  • Avoid repetitions.
  • Don't use diminutive words.
  • Give up slang and obscene words.
  • Do not use negative particles “not”, “neither” in questions.
  • Let the customer finish the phrases and sentences themselves.
  • Don't use professional terms too often.
  • Speak, write clearly and clearly, in a language that the target audience understands.

Read also: "How to conduct business negotiations: 10 practical tips .