
Correct Portrait of the target audience is very important for successful business. A portrait of CA should be created when compiling advertising texts, when the production of a new line of products, the organization of seminars and in many other cases. Many businessmen are sure that the right portrait. the target audience is almost half the success. And it really is So.


Having created a portrait of Central Asia, you can benefit from the following points:

1. Offer a product or service that solves the problems of your customers better than similar products or services of competitors.

2. Effective advertising slogan and offer. Knowing what your needs CA, you can easily make that promise in the advertisement that your CA wants and ready to hear. A promise in which she will believe, since it is her necessary.

3. Selection of promotional products. Knowing which devices the target uses audience, you can always easily and as soon as possible talk about new offers and promotions.

4. Using key triggers on your site. There are several The main triggers that the target audience pays attention to: reviews, promotions, trust, success stories, exclusive and so on. Foreseeing CA behavior, you can easily focus on important triggers.


Development of CA

To identify your target audience as efficiently as possible and conduct business more successful, you need to answer a series of questions about your customers. After receiving the answers, you can draw effective conclusions and solutions.

  • Basic parameters: gender and age of the client. Who will use your offer: men or women, children, adolescents or adults?
  • Geographical parameters: place of residence. Sometimes this option is one of the important;
  • Financial component: how much does your potential client earn?
  • Marital status. What value does this parameter play in choosing your products or services? Is having children important?
  • Education and type of client activity;
  • What tools do your customers use to access the Internet?
  • The role of social networks: whether the client visits them, how much time he spends on it;
  • What pleases and scares your client?
  • Availability Problems. What is the problem facing customers and how is your company can help in solving it? What hopes does the client have in contacting you? Why were other companies unable to solve the customer problem? Why will it work for you?
  • Cost of goods or services: how much is your customer willing to pay to solve a problem?
  • What doubts can a client have before buying your product or service?
  • How to save a client from doubts?
  • What do people in your competitors like and what is alarming?


Analysis target audience

Answering to all of the questions above, you can understand which group Consumer refers to your target audience. Often such groups reveals a few. For example: youth under 25 without a family with an average prosperous and successful people of 50 years and older. It is important to highlight 2-3 major groups and focus on them.


What will it give us?

Revealing major consumer groups and knowing how these groups behave, what they want and are afraid of what, you will be able to conduct business more effectively. Target these populations. Engage the necessary triggers, direct the advertising budget in the right direction. Order ads in those places where your target audience will see it. Cut costs by ineffective advertising.

Knowing desires of your potential customers, you can create profitable offers for them that will be much more interesting than offers competitors. The right portrait of the target audience is an important component successful business.

Read also: "How to properly evaluate a competitor and learn from his experience?" .