
We are used to having brands of goods. Like them or not. We know, what is their character. Just remember what color the logo is and what we love them or hate them. It all depends on communication and whether we accept her or not.

When a person is looking for work, he also chooses a brand. The brand of the employer. Someone wants to work in a large stable business, others check yourself for strength in a startup. In addition to professional moments, directly related to the position, there are such aspects of choice:

  1. corporate culture;
  2. Personal Values;
  3. Social Responsibility;
  4. Friendly atmosphere;
  5. Mentoring and profile training.


Anyone business wants to attract savvy, adequate and purposeful workers. But this is not always the case. It is related to the fact that HR managers are trying to just close the vacancy, by closing your KPIs (key performance indicators). For searching "Precious players" need a strategy. The first thing to determine how do you differ from your competitors. After all, you are also chosen.


The brand of the employer will consist of guarantees and bonuses, which The organization provides its employees. If she is working properly adheres to its obligations, then people will try well to fulfill their own. The following will influence the creation of a positive image:

  1. Low staff turnover;
  2. Friendly and respectful atmosphere in the team;
  3. Loyal employees who recommend the company to friends;
  4. Caring about people's health: having health insurance, a gym in the office or payment of a sports subscription, purchase of healthy food in the office;
  5. Refusal from constant overtime, competent project management and respect for personal time;
  6. Training at the expense of the organization, interest in growth and development;
  7. Entertainment events, organization of conferences and seminars;
  8. Branded souvenir products: T-shirts, cups, pens, notebooks, backpacks, stickers, stickers.


Reciprocity, a key factor in the relationship between employee and employer

People who work for the company should be interested in development business. They must generate ideas themselves, organize the workflow and "Burn" with work. The higher the motivation, the more you can do in The result is a business.

"Precious players" are different from just good, constant desire for development. Their eyes burn, they look at the situation in different planes and constantly want to change the world for the better. Such people “Get high” from work and are ready to invest in others to teach.


When conducting an interview, the head and the recruiter should pay attention to the following metrics:

  • How motivated the applicant is;
  • Is he ready to take responsibility;
  • How focused is he on achieving a result or is he more interested in the process;
  • Cheerfulness;
  • Professional achievements, and willingness to confirm them;
  • The applicant is positive about changes and is ready to change with the company.

Interview Alarms:

  • The candidate is lying;
  • Does not clearly explain why he left the previous place;
  • Can’t talk about the results of his activities;
  • Refuses to complete the minimum test task.

of such it’s better not to hire people, or at least schedule another interview with one of your colleagues to get another opinion.

How to find the treasure? - citysitesglobal.com

How to find a treasure?

Everyone wants to hire “precious players" in the team, but they don’t know how to draw their attention to the vacancy.

First, what needs to be done is to continuously search for candidates regardless of whether there is an open vacancy or not. If you spend all the time interviews then by the laws of the sales funnel, you will find more suitable specialists.

Second, ask colleagues to recommend friends. Give for it gifts or pay a cash reward, they also spend time. Such recommendations can be very useful, especially since you don’t just get a resume, as well as a real review.


Third . Take care of leisure and training people. Write about it on the blog and on pages on social networks. Publish media releases and articles on your work process, office and conditions. Let everyone know that you kayaking, learn English, arrange sessions exchange experiences and make friends outside of work. Talk about corporate projects, many talented applicants are attracted by interesting non-trivial tasks. This may be a reason to say yes.

And do not forget that it’s not enough to find a treasure, you need to be able not to waste it. Develop a corporate culture, respect and value colleagues.

Read also: "TIC VS X" .