
Today we will talk about the basic rules lead generation, non-compliance with which leads not only to waste resources as well as disappointment in the whole process of attracting leads. Many of you, probably already faced with services lead managers. If you ask about performance of such services then most will just shake shoulders. That’s why we’ll talk about rules to be followed and about mistakes that are better not to make lead generation was effective.

1. Mistake: Misunderstanding what a lead is initially

If you - a client who wants to get more leads (even if you have an agreement with lead manager) must understand that “Leads” are not just full names and contacts first comer. It's warm interested in a product / service contact that is potential by customer. Accordingly, lead generation Is attracting interested customers who are willing and able to buy. This must be understood by anyone who wants to work with this concept. After all, our the task is not a one-time promotion, but continuous and long-term generation potential customers.

2. Rule: clearly set goals when working with lead

Before how to start implementing lead generation in your business, you need to know clearly "What for?". The answer seems to be obvious - increase profits. However, it is very global goal, you need to set goals measurable and gradual. For instance, increase the number of new customers by 30%, increase brand awareness, expand circle of regular customers, etc. It’s important that the goal is one (for starters), then when it goes, you can expand this list.

3. Rule: choose competent lead manager as his second half

Only full idyll in a relationship customer and manager can give long-term and effective cooperation. Here should be executed several conditions:

- Vocational training selected specialist

- Adequate customer requirements

If one of the conditions falls, then harmony collapses, and one of the partners goes looking the other "soul mate."

4. Mistake: there is no selling page or it is not competent

Enough it often happens that clicking on ad, the user falls into nowhere ”, that is, on the main site or in social the network, in fact, does not give any result. For product sale need to create a separate landing page. One product - one page. A person should not get on the page, where 200 items. His choice must end at the moment: leave contacts or not.

A as for the landing page, then its design is a separate conversation. It’s important to remember that everything should be there. aims to rid the client of doubt and purchase (contact collection data).

5. Mistake: leave leads unattended

it one of the most common mistakes! We must remember, the lead is warm contact. Our task is to heat it and bring to mind. To do this, they need process as quickly as possible, not once a week. Even if not possible make a call immediately, there is an opportunity send email or message through the chat bot. It is necessary to do it all as much as possible qualitatively:

  • Reply to all questions of interest
  • Verify whether the application was drawn up correctly
  • Render him maximum service on delivery
  • Provide gift bonus

All this will lead him to re-purchase, what all businessmen need.

6. Rule: Do not copy! Be original!

Not waste time licking ideas competitors. Build your systems original landing pages, cool texts etc. Own lead generation system will be better even if it is created by a method trial and error.

7. Rule: Choose a good, quality product for sale

Sell those goods and services that people need. Be helpful.

8. Rule: Be sure to write down further sales funnel

Our task to create a constant flow so people could not imagine life without your his product, recommended it to their friends and they did not have thoughts to buy an alternative.

9. Mistake: lack of a mobile version

in the age of smartphones is a sin not to have adaptive landing page. Here even discuss there is nothing. Landing page should adapt to any device.

10. Rule: We are testing. Testing and testing again!

All analyze. Sales not going? - Test. We are changing. Are sales going? Test. We will improve. And so on to infinity.