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Business models of Internet projects
Properly building a business model for an online project that will allow you to allocate and plan expenses
Date of publication: 12/02/2019
Reading time: 2
Onboarding. Focus on the result
Onboarding is at the same time the most difficult and most effective part of marketing. Properly designed onboarding will not only introduce the user to the service.
Date of publication: 08/02/2019
Reading time: 2
Staff onboarding
Onboarding is an effective system that helps a newcomer to quickly get used to a new workplace. CitySites shares helpful tips in this article.
Date of publication: 05/02/2019
Reading time: 1
Automation VS Employees
Already, there are niches that are fully automated, and practically do not need to attract additional employees.
Date of publication: 29/01/2019
Reading time: 2
Office in your pocket
In this article, we have compiled mobile applications that will help save time and increase the efficiency of your business
Date of publication: 23/01/2019
Reading time: 1
CitySites wishes everyone a Happy New Year 2019!
On the eve of the New Year holidays, CitySites congratulates all-all-all!
Date of publication: 28/12/2018

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